Buffalo Small Press Book Fair
Oh, my....
um... here...... let me just.... clean out..... some of these........cobwebs......
whew! It sure has been a while since we dusted out this well-loved space. We are sorry to have left you my friends. The conclusion of a Second Storie event and the new year always see each of us diving head first into our own projects. Sometimes it takes us a while to come up for air. When we do surface friends, it is you we hope most to see. Happy spring, everyone.
Now, getting down to business: we simply had to pop in here to make sure you knew about the Buffalo Small Press Book Fair. For the third straight year, the regional one day event brings booksellers, authors, bookmakers, zinesters, small presses, artists, poets, and other cultural workers (and enthusiasts) together in a venue where they can share ideas, showcase their art, and peddle their wares. There are crafts, workshops, poetry readings and more and it's all free and open to the public. You will see many, many familiar faces here at the beautiful Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum. You can find the vendor list here, and the schedule of events here.
Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum
Porter Hall
453 Porter Avenue
Buffalo, New York
on Facebook
we can't wait to see you there!